

Taking a Change Agent Role

In today’s business environment, change is closely linked with success. Businesses must adapt to a landscape in constant flux. As technology and society change, so too must companies that wish to thrive. A change agent can drive this evolution, ensuring that a company stays one step ahead of the curve. Characteristics of a Change Agent […]

6 Change Management Models

Initiating an organization-wide change in a company or even a teamwide change at a more local level can be challenging for the best of managers. These six change management models can help leaders effect change in a lasting, positive way. ADKAR Sales management training company Richardson uses a change management model called ADKAR with its […]

The Market Demand Curve in 6 Easy Pictures

Setting the right price for your product can be difficult. Setting a price too high might mean low sales, while setting a price too low could cause you to operate at a loss. Economists use a tool called the market demand curve in order to predict the demand for a product relative to price and […]

How RNs Can Practice Patient Advocate Nursing

Registered nurses are the most frequent point of contact with patients in healthcare. They “provide and coordinate patient care, educate patients and the public about various health conditions, and provide advice and emotional support to patients and their family members,” according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They typically work as part of a team […]

4 Social Work Practice Models

To best assist clients as they work to overcome whatever challenges they are facing, a social worker must employ proven techniques. Different clients have different needs, and each of the following techniques approaches social work from a slightly different perspective. Social workers can choose the technique that best resonates with them, and their clients, to […]

5 Social Work Theories That Inform Practice

Learning the theories behind psychological practices can be a valuable tool for any social worker. Understanding why people act the way they do can be a step toward helping them break bad habits and exhibit behavior that helps them succeed in life. Popular Social Work Theories Social workers should familiarize themselves with five different psychological […]

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: The Impact of School Lunch on Student Performance

By now, it is no mystery that what people eat has an effect on their daily physical and mental health. When people keep themselves well-nourished, they can participate more fully and effectively in a wide variety of activities. Of course, nutrition has an impact on K-12 students as well, from their academic performance to their […]

The 5 Best Social Work Blogs

More so than many other professions, social work thrives on community connections and continuing education. Social workers are advocates for their clients, and to be successful, it’s essential to stay informed about current issues in social work and to participate in community discussions. Social work blogs can be an excellent source of current information, best […]

How Demographics Affect Healthcare and Nursing Practice

Recent demographic shifts will have major implications for the U.S. healthcare system, both in terms of the delivery of patient care and the practice of nursing. According to experts at Kansas State University, improved public health and clinical care have led to an increase in the average life span, meaning that by the year 2020 […]

Can You Beat This Fourth-Grade Financial Literacy Test?

Two-thirds of Americans can’t pass a basic financial literacy test, a number that is increasing. What’s your financial literacy? Find out with our quiz! Budget Keeping Best Practices   What method should you use to come up with a budget? Answer: Keeping track of your expenses for a few weeks allows you to figure out […]