

Why Nurse Practitioner is Ranked the Best Job of 2024

From improving public health and showing compassion to others, to reaping the rewards of a competitive nurse practitioner salary, the role of nurse practitioner is among the highest standards of nursing and offers plenty of benefits. In fact, a recent study showed that 90% of surveyed nurse practitioners were satisfied with their jobs in 2022, […]

How Social Workers Assist with the Older Child Adoption Process

More than 120,000 children in the United States were waiting to be adopted through the foster care system in 2019, according to the United States Children’s Bureau (USCB). Nearly 60% of those children were 6 to 17 years old. But children in this age range accounted for only 44% of adoptions through child welfare agencies. This imbalance […]

Combating Racial Inequality Through Police Reform

In the results of the June 2020 AP-NORC Poll, nearly 70% of Americans said that the criminal justice system needs either “major changes” or a “complete overhaul.” Almost all back some level of change. Certain topics have managed to fly under the radar of the conversation, like the need for probation and parole reform. But […]

Navigating Dual Relationships in Social Work

The personal nature of social work makes it quite rewarding. Practitioners meet clients at their point of need and offer direct support for their well-being. It’s common for bonds to form as social workers help clients empower themselves. However, they must take care to avoid pursuing dual relationships in social work that may pose risks […]

How to Motivate Church Members to Serve

Service is undoubtedly a substantial theme in the Bible. And because the Bible lays out how service should be a priority for Christians, churches should strive to encourage followers to serve. In order to understand how to motivate church members to serve, it’s the church’s responsibility to ensure that appropriate enlistment, training and communication opportunities […]

The Importance of Integrity in Social Work

Many people answer the call to social work because they want to make a difference. And once they begin providing support to clients, they get many opportunities to do so. Of course, many clients are highly vulnerable; to earn their trust, practitioners must exhibit integrity in social work practice. Practicing integrity in social work may […]

Navigating How to Encourage Others in the Lord

After Moses died, God called on Joshua to take over the Israelites’ journey into Canaan. The Lord reiterated His promise to Moses through Joshua, and He encouraged the new leader. “No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with […]

Why Cultural Competence in Social Work is Essential

Supporting diverse populations adds to the enrichment of a social work career. That said, empowering clients across communities requires more than knowledge of social work theory. Social workers must also develop cultural competence in social work practice. What is cultural competence in social work? The New Social Worker framed it as a commitment to building […]

GUIDE: A Pastor’s Guide to Mentoring New Believers

The opportunity to mentor new believers arises after one of the most joyous moments in a person’s life. When someone comes to Christ, it’s cause for celebration — throughout heaven and earth — as the Word of God makes abundantly clear. In the first of three consecutive parables from Jesus on the topic, a shepherd […]