

How to Motivate Church Members to Serve

Service is undoubtedly a substantial theme in the Bible. And because the Bible lays out how service should be a priority for Christians, churches should strive to encourage followers to serve. In order to understand how to motivate church members to serve, it’s the church’s responsibility to ensure that appropriate enlistment, training and communication opportunities […]

Navigating How to Encourage Others in the Lord

After Moses died, God called on Joshua to take over the Israelites’ journey into Canaan. The Lord reiterated His promise to Moses through Joshua, and He encouraged the new leader. “No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with […]

GUIDE: A Pastor’s Guide to Mentoring New Believers

The opportunity to mentor new believers arises after one of the most joyous moments in a person’s life. When someone comes to Christ, it’s cause for celebration — throughout heaven and earth — as the Word of God makes abundantly clear. In the first of three consecutive parables from Jesus on the topic, a shepherd […]

Coming Together: The Importance of Church Community

When professor and apologist William Lane Craig started exploring life’s big questions as a teenager, he went to a local church and met other high school students. Unfortunately, the youth group community within the church seemed more focused on popularity than serving Jesus. “This really bothered me,” Craig wrote at his website Reasonable Faith. “‘They claim […]

6 Practical Ways to Confirm the Next Right Step in Your Life

Are you overwhelmed by what step in your life to take next? It is easy to feel stuck in the transition period of your life. Change is inevitable and can be extremely difficult and confusing if you are blindly experiencing it. Growing up as a missionary kid, my life was constantly changing, and I tend […]

5 Ways to Follow God’s Plan for Your Life

Wouldn’t it be perfect if God would send down a blueprint for each of our lives? What if, when we were born, we came with an instruction manual that he wrote out for us? A manual that would outline what we should do to follow His plan for our lives? Sometimes, life can be so […]

3 Things to Remember When You Forget About God

Is your life pretty good right now? Sure, you have worries, stresses and the natural ups and downs of life, but for the most part, I’m willing to bet that things are fine. So, what happens to your faith when things are fine? Pastor Lee Martin said, “When things are going really well, that’s when […]

What Is Christian Leadership? 8 Principles

“I heard a well-known pastor describe the church as the most leadership-intensive organization in the world,” Stephen Grunlan, senior pastor at Grace Fellowship in Overland Park, Kansas, wrote in Ministry Magazine. “Church leaders do not have the authority of military leaders or the financial incentives of the corporate world; they only have leadership skills on […]

Expanding Ministry: How to Develop the Right Missions Mindset

Serving God by serving others is a cornerstone of Christianity and major part of the day-to-day activities of churches and their members. While finding opportunities to make an impact on others certainly is not hard to do, developing the right mindset toward service can be more difficult. You can begin by understanding what it means […]

Foundations of Christology: A Look at Scripture

Who is Jesus Christ? This question marks the starting point of Christology, a major branch of theology that studies the nature and being of Jesus. Christology has had a prominent role in Christian history, helping to shape major areas of doctrine. Perhaps most notable is the Council of Chalcedon in A.D. 451, which rebuffed several […]