Shopping, presents, parties, ugly sweaters, candy, and cookies can take control of the Christmas holiday. But there is a muffled cry from the distance that emerges through the hustle and bustle; a new born baby brining peace to the chaos.
Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
In a season where the busyness of life can get overwhelming with shopping, wrapping, and the urge to present those we love with “the best” gift as our focus, it is nice to slow down and remember the greatest gift we have ever received. To allow Him to transform our focus and purpose into something much larger.
For Christmas 2022, the CU ONLINE team sent out emails and text messages to students asking for participation and donations to adopt a Campbellsville family from Angel Tree. The Angel Tree program is represented in local school systems that provides the opportunity for students in their community to have a Christmas that they would otherwise not be able to receive. CU ONLINE students and staff generously gifted over $400 in donations which enabled us to love on a family in the name of Jesus and bring joy and excitement into the season of giving.
1 John 4:19 We love each other because He first loved us.

In 2023 and beyond, CU ONLINE wants to provide more opportunities for fully online students to show love to our neighbors. We want to connect our online students with service projects within the Campbellsville University system, and invite our students to participate from wherever they are in the world.
Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
Campbellsville University is committed, not only to the academic excellence of our students but, to their personal growth, integrity, and servant leadership. The CU ONLINE team believes these qualities are not limited to in-person students, but extend to our fully-online students. Our goal for CU Online Serve is to provide a space to encourage our fully-online students to participate in and showcase acts of service.
Are you participating in community service projects in your hometown? If so, we want to know and encourage and celebrate the work you are doing. Email and tell us how you are serving and loving others in the name of Jesus.