Mar 5, 2025
Teacher leaders are essential in today’s education system. They work alongside faculty and staff to improve student outcomes, contribute to their profession and advocate for their communities. These educators bridge the gap between teaching and leadership, taking on roles that involve collaboration, mentorship and activism. Campbellsville University’s Master of Arts (M.A.) in Education Teacher Leader […]
Aug 4, 2020
This post was written by guest contributor Sarah Weedman. With so many unknowns as I prepare to go back into the classroom, I am focusing on student engagement strategies for the new school year. I am always looking for ways to increase student engagement and intrinsic motivation in my classroom. One thing that usually shocks […]
Aug 29, 2019
This blog post was written by guest contributor Jessica Romeo of Hello 3rd Grade. If your social media feed is anything like mine, it’s probably flooded with photos of beautiful, flexible seating classrooms. But there’s very little practical information on how to make that work, where to start or the complications that may arise and […]
Jul 26, 2019
Being a teacher is the best job in the world but also very difficult. Each day brings new challenges, and each year brings new students. Getting to be a role model for these students has always been something I don’t take lightly. I teach at a district where students don’t always have the best […]
Jul 25, 2019
Thinking deeply about subjects is a pivotal part of learning. Educators have always wanted their students to think about what is being taught, but the way they encourage that process is changing. Teachers no longer tell students what to think. Instead, they teach them how to think. Today’s instructors seek to build student leadership through […]
Jul 25, 2019
Student participation is an important aspect of teaching. Learners who engage in student participation activities retain more information and give their teachers important visibility into how they understand concepts. In a study by Faculty Focus, more than 70% of students saw a positive relationship between their participation and learning. They also saw value in other […]
Jul 11, 2019
Teachers have an enormous impact on our students and our communities. Shaping the minds of children is no small feat. Some educators take their devotion to teaching a step further by becoming teacher leaders. Teacher leaders take on various roles. They collaborate, research, innovate, mentor and advise, among numerous other responsibilities. While teacher leadership takes […]
Feb 1, 2018
Effective teachers are essential to the success of a school and its students, but one can make the argument that effective school administrators at all levels — especially principals — are even more critical to a school’s success. But the state of public education in the United States continues to decline. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates there was a shortage of 64,000 teachers in primary […]
Dec 7, 2016
By now, it is no mystery that what people eat has an effect on their daily physical and mental health. When people keep themselves well-nourished, they can participate more fully and effectively in a wide variety of activities. Of course, nutrition has an impact on K-12 students as well, from their academic performance to their […]
Oct 28, 2016
Two-thirds of Americans can’t pass a basic financial literacy test, a number that is increasing. What’s your financial literacy? Find out with our quiz! Budget Keeping Best Practices What method should you use to come up with a budget? Answer: Keeping track of your expenses for a few weeks allows you to figure out […]